Material Heritage Documentation and Mapping

Under Construction

Scientific Research

ICI has now successfully developed scientific investigation facilities that can enable a better understanding of the art materials, techniques and forms of deterioration. These techniques enable a more scientific and guided approach to conservation treatment. Also, using these techniques, the conservators at ICI are now moving from just treating the objects to creating greater understanding of the materials and techniques of the objects of art. To begin with, cross-section and stratigraphic analysis of paint samples, dispersions of pigments with polarised microscopy along with flourescence study of pigments is being undertaken and a database is being compiled. These standard examination methods provide very precise information about the complexity of materials that make up a painting or decorative finish. Tiny samples of paint are taken from discrete and representative areas and mounted in clear resin. Also prepared samples are observed under a binocular microscope at high magnification between 50x and 200x depending on the thickness of the examined layer. Layers of yellow paint of varying thickness (10x magnification) and blue paint (4x magnification) applied on a wall support Sample prepration and study under microscope In spite of a world-class array of analytical instrumentation, Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM) remains first and most important analytical technique for identifying individual particles through the microscope, even in complex mixtures. The polarizing microscope At ICI with reflected and transmitted darkfield, brightfield, and fluorescence microscopy is especially useful in the study of materials of paintings because with it one can readily identify crystalline materials that may look-alike, which include the majority of pigments. It also simplifies interpretation of the structure of a painting and measurement of the thickness and uniformity of each layer. Pure vermilion pigment Vermilion pigment under polarised microscopy

Training and Capacity Building Programme

ICI also aims to strengthen the implementation of the mission and objectives of INTACH across the sub-continent through programmes for training and raising awareness in all aspects of heritage conservation and management. ICI Centres off er internship opportunities for postgraduates with a degree in art conservation both from India and abroad. The ICI regularly organizes technical and non-technical training courses and workshops for conservation professionals and collectors. We also organize interactive sessions with art collectors, art gallery owners, school children and rural dwellers. We also welcome prearranged visits by groups. The main objectives of the ICI capacity building programme are:

  • Develop guidelines and promote uniformity and standardisation of conservation practices with institutions in India as well as abroad
  • Develop skills through training programmes, workshops, seminars and internships at various centres
  • Up-gradation of conservation skills through training and interaction with international institutions
  • Promote and undertake documentation of traditional knowledge systems and building craft skills as well as undertake research on materials used in conservation
  • Offer special courses on art conservation
  • Engaging stakeholders and local communities in capacity development and maintenance of heritage.
Workshops and training programs are specifically tailored and run at our laboratories. Some of the workshops and training programs we can deliver include:
  • General preventive conservation theory and practice
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Storage, handling and display techniques for different materials and object types
  • Condition reporting and documentation of all material types and objects
  • Basic conservation techniques
  • Disaster preparedness planning
  • Integrated Pest management (IPM)

Wall Paintings of India – Documentation, Digitisation, Research and Conservation

Project of Documentation, Digitisation, Research and Conservation of Wall Paintings of India will be carried out By the network of INTACH(HO and CHAPTERS)during 5 years, started Aprill of 2015. Most of the Wall painting sites are under the protection of the Archaeological Survey of India or the State Archaeology Departments, however much more are in various stages of their deterioration due to neglect and lack of awareness. Some wall painting sites have been published by few art historians or writers, but these are the more famous ones. However, there are thousands of sites that are unknown or ignored. India is very rich in wall paintings, but we don’t have a very clear database of wall paintings and the facilities for their conservation. India has 29 States and 7 Union Territories, each state has wall paintings and to document them is a lifetime work.Current project is beginning for undertaking this work with the network of INTACH Chapters for an initial period of 5 years in which a few states will be taken at a time. With the mandate of INTACH to preserve nation’s cultural heritage we will set up a world-class facility for Documentation, Conservation, Research and Training in this area at INTACH HO. This will be a new unit created at ICI having specialized equipment headed by trained wall paintings conservators, which will focus on:

  1. Documentation of Wall Paintings in India (creation of a Directory)
  2. Research on techniques of paintings and materials used in making wall paintings region-wise and historical interpretation (oral and written)
  3. Scientific evaluation of tradional techniques of conservation.
  4. Remedial Conservation of endangered and historically important wall paintings.
  5. Training in conservation of Wall Paintings for professionals
  6. Global Awareness programme for public/ Vedio clipping etc
  7. To establish protocol for documentation of wall painting for INTACH. This will be the first initiative of any Indian organisation.
  8. One full time fellowship (one year) for Phd/M.phil / D.Phil student on documentation of wall painting
  9. Publication
Wall painting conservation projects done:

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