Conservation Insights 2020 Lectures

INTACH Conservation Institutes organised the online ‘Conservation Insights 2020’ lecture series from June to December 2020. This publication, a compilation of selected lectures from the ‘Conservation Insights 2020’ series, represents another step towards sharing and dissemination of knowledge. The lectures cover a wide range of issues related to philosophy of conservation, preventive conservation, building conservation and the tools and techniques used in examination and conservation of different materials. The subject matter is an invaluable contribution to the field and useful to practising professionals, researchers and students in the field of heritage management.
This is an open access e-publication.

The Wall Paintings Directory of Delhi

‘The wall painting sites of Delhi’ is the first comprehensive documentation of the wall paintings existing in Delhi. It is also the first publication from the self- initiated INTACH project on creation of Directory of wall paintings in India.

The publication includes the inventory of wall painting sites in Delhi along with sections on description of Delhi city, its history, the art of wall painting in Delhi and the causes for their decay. The documentation work for the creation of inventory involved the meticulous process of surveying both urban and rural (remote) areas for wall painting sites. The inventory published provides an all-encompassing guide to necessary background knowledge on the structures or sites with wall paintings, description of wall paintings including the art history and materials and their current condition with relevant text and images. The book concludes with a section featuring issues and best practices of preventive conservation, maintenance and site management.

‘The wall painting sites of Delhi’ is a crucial data resource and will provide generations of interested conservators, art historians, research scholars, directors, policy makers, and students of conservation, art and art history with invaluable information and guidance.

Biodeterioration Of Ethnological Objects

The book provides information on ethnologic artifacts, both organic objects (i.e. silk, wool, bamboo, textiles etc.) and inorganic objects (i.e. beads, glass, pottery, stone, alloys etc.). The bio-deterioration and the process of degradation of such objects, especially organic, as they are more vulnerable than inorganic objects are discussed.

Conservation In The Tropics

This publication is a compilation of papers and discussions on conservation of museum objects according to their geographical zone and climatology. The proceedings include raised during the first Asia-Pacific Conference on Conservation of Cultural property held in New Delhi in February 1972. Case studies from different countries on deterioration due to biological growth and organic binding media are discussed in the conference proceedings.

Manuscripts, Books, Archival And Alike Material In India-Conservation Status And Needs

This report is based on the project launched by INTACH – “Conservation of manuscripts, books, archival and alike material” under the direction of Shri O.P Agrawal. It’s a compilation of information received from various institutions and from surveys and inspections of the various collections. It focuses on the need of awareness of storage of material and preservation more than its conservation and requirement of trained custodians or conservators of such collection.